Hibernate Campus Services While On Leave

Are you planning a leave? Now you can temporarily hibernate or adjust select fee-based services provided by Campus Life Services. Connect directly to information:

UCSF Transportation Services
Parking: a monthly parking pass, a 30-day parking pass, and hourly and daily parking rates are available.
Commuter Benefits

Fitness & Recreation
UCSF Fitness & Recreation Memberships

Child Care
Hibernation of service at UCSF child care centers is not available, but parents can provide 30 days notice to UCSF's contracted provider, Bright Horizons, if they would like to withdraw their child, or reduce their schedule, without any payment penalty. If a family leaves the center, or reduces their schedule, Bright Horizons cannot guarantee their desired spot when leave concludes; however, they will make every effort to accommodate the family's desired schedule. Many parents choose to pay tuition to hold their spot while they are on leave and benefit from having access to care when needed. Contact your center's Site Director for more information.